Welcome to the Yoga Collective.

Our schedule includes drop-in (Open) and sessional (pre-registered) classes.

We are now offering students new to the studio a welcome rate of $10 for their first class. We look forward to seeing you soon.


As of February 5, we have a new door on Wellington Street. It now opens with a numeric code. Teachers will be emailing students with the code. If you don’t receive an email, please email the studio, and we can send it to you.

Upcoming Class Cancellations:

Yoga and healing therapies for everyone.


About Us


Our bright, sunny studio space is often described as a real oasis in the heart of downtown Stratford. The Yoga Collective teachers are highly-trained yoga practitioners, interested in making yoga accessible to everyone. By coming together to form a collective, our instructors joined their energies in the hopes of fulfilling their shared wish to promote the yogic ideals of kindness, respect and harmony in our community and in our world. Our community of students enjoys the wide variety of class styles that we offer. Many of our teachers are trained in other healing modalities as well. We thank you for visiting our website, and invite you to contact us if you have further questions. Namaste.


Class fees

Flexible fee plans allow you to experience as much or as little yoga as you like.


Ongoing Classes

$80 - 5 Class Card

$140 - 10 Class Card

Class cards have a 4-month expiry.

We are now offering students new to the studio a welcome rate of $10 for their first class.


You are welcome to attend ongoing classes at any time. Please note that we accept cash and cheque payments only. Some instructors also accept etransfer payments.